29 de noviembre de 2013


Curaciones con las manos sin tocar ni siquiera a la persona o recuperar el sistema inmune con los pensamientos son dos ejemplos que la medicina alopática no alcanza a entender. ¿Cómo se producen exactamente?

Desde hace ya algun tiempo, se está presentando un nuevo concepto de la medicina, teniendo en cuenta el campo morfogenético alrededor del cuerpo. Lo que en otras culturas se ha denominado, desde tiempos ancestrales como: aurea. 

Muchos científicos están adoptando la visión del ser humano o de cualquier ser vivo como una entidad holística, cuya vida no se resume a un cuerpo material sino como un cuerpo energético que da soporte y alimenta al cuerpo físico.

Por otro lado, el ADN se percibe como algo modificable por las creencias y los pensamientos de cada individuo (materia estudiada por la epigenética). El campo unificador alrededor del cuerpo explicaría la velocidad con la que se rige nuestro organismo. La coherencia entre los ritmos del corazón (entendido como ondas electromagnéticas) y el cerebro explicaría como se aumenta el sistema de sanación natural.

Este documental está realizado en base a entrevistas a profesionales de diferentes disciplinas que han adoptado esta nueva concepción de la medicina, la sanación e incluso la vida.

Realmente interesante para aquellas personas que quieren saber más sobre lo que a menudo consideramos "imposible". Y es que a veces, "lo imposible" acaba sinendo "posible".

LA MATRIZ DELA VIDA (En Castellano):


23 de noviembre de 2013


Did you know that 6 seconds before we make up our mind, science can predict which decision we are going to make. How is that possible?

What we are trying to understand is how modern science is seeking to answer a question that has fascinated humans for thousands of years : the search for consciousness.

Flashes of electricity inside the brain that give us the answer to problems that we have been trying to solve for months, or even years. A new key idea that nobody knows where is comes from. Why and how are those flashes and ideas produced at that very moment?

We constantly perceive information from outside ourselves, how are we conscious of them in the inside? Without that consciousness we stop being ourselves. We cannot even remember the first time we were aware of being ourselves.

Our body changes, our thoughts too, even our perception of reality, but we carry on being ourselves, since we are conscious of being an independent being. Is that consciousness inside the brain? Is it produced from something external? What happens to people that have brain damages? Are they conscious of themselves or not?

This documentary, presented by Marcus du Sautoy (see also the series "The Code" in this blog)  explores the human consciousness from a scientific way. Really interesting!!!!!

THE SEARCH FOR CONSCIOUSNESS (In English, no subtitles):


17 de noviembre de 2013


La solución a las enfermedades físicas es medible y cuantificable. Detectar un hueso roto es sencillo al igual que lo es ver si ya se ha soldado y si lo ha hecho de forma correcta. La actuación de una dosis de insulina también es cuantificable, midiendo la cantidad de glucosa en sangre y viendo si la cantidad administrada es la adecuada.

El mercado de los productos farmacéuticos es uno de los mayores de mundo y mueve una cantidad ingente de  dinero. Es un negocio extremadamente lucrativo, que si bien aporta beneficios a la humanidad, quizás habría que estudiar más profundamente y ver si no está sobre-explotado.

Este documental analiza el mercado de los productos psicotrópicos que se administran para trastornos mentales. Quizás lo más preocupante de todo es como la lista de diagnósticos de estos trastornos mentales se ha ido incrementando de una forma asombrosa. 

Sin lugar a dudas, todas las personas pasamos por épocas complicadas en la vida, en las cuales nos sentimos tristes, apenados, distraídos, un poco más agresivos de lo normal, y un amplio etc… ¿Qué ocurre cuando esas etapas de la vida son diagnosticadas como enfermedades llamadas “bipolaridad, depresión, traumatismo emocional, síndrome de déficit de atención”, etc…? 

¿ Cómo los psiquiatras adoptaron estas drogas para llegar a dominar el campo del tratamiento mental? Ahí surge un nuevo mercado, un nicho nuevo al que prescribir nuevas medicinas, y del cual, sin lugar a dudas, obtener un gran beneficio.

Este documental analiza estas cuestiones desde diversos puntos de vista, aportando al espectador un amplio abanico de información a través del cual puede sacar sus propias conclusiones.


The solution to physical illness is measurable and quantifiable . Detecting a broken bone is simple as it is to see if has beenwelded and if he has done the right way. The performance of an insulin dose is also quantifiable by measuring the amount of glucose in blood and seeing if the amount administered was the right one.

The pharmaceutical market is one of the largest ones in world and moves a huge amount of money. It is an extremely profitable business. Undoubtedly it brings benefits to mankind, but we should study it more deeply and see if it is over- exploited.

This documentary examines the psychotropic market administered for mental disorders. Perhaps the most worrying of all is the big list of diagnoses of these mental disorders that has increased a lot . 

Undoubtedly, all people go through tough times in life: we feel sad, distressed, distracted, a little more aggressive than normal, and a large etc ... What happens when these stages of life are diagnosed as "bipolar, depression, emotional trauma, attention deficit syndrome " , etc ... ? 

How could psychiatrists be convinced to use these drugs to  mental treatment ? A new market was born, a new niche to prescribe new medicines, undoubteldy to get a great benefit.

This documentary examines these issues from different points of view , giving the viewer a wide range of information through which you can draw your own conclusions .



EL MARKETING DE LA LOCURA (Doblado al Castellano):


10 de noviembre de 2013


Newton’s world consisted on gravity that made objects collide or separate. That was the law of how things moved in the real world.  But as we developed technology to expand our perceptions, we began to develop tools that allowed  us to see infra and ultra frequencies that we couldn’t previously perceive, so we started to explore areas of the universe that had been invisible to our senses.

We discovered then that electrons can behave as particles or as waves. That was the discovery of the subatomic realm: the quantum mechanics and the theories of indeterminacy. The conexión between inside and outside, the conexión between above and below as the Hermetic laws determine from ancient times.

Our senses perceive everything as vibration. We hear frequency vibrations, we see vibrations, we touch vibrations in a very tiny band.

In this environment, astrology makes sense. As in the quantum universe, everything can be particle and wave, so, are the planets particles or waves?
For instance, moon is a bit of 13 cycles per year. Astrology is the study of these waves. Science is very good at measuring high frequence vibrations. For the very low ones, we have astrology.

Planet positions in the cosmos, specific aspects between planets send their vibrations, that, although we cannot perceive consciously, affect our behaviour and evolution, not only as individual beings but also as a race during the whole history.

In this conference, Rick Levine offers  a magistral explanation of all these subjects, showing also how certain aspects between planets have contributed to appear events during human history.  A well organised speech, full of examples and specific facts.

Mandatory to see and study for anyone interested in knowing how the whole universe affects the whole universe.

QUANTUM ASTROLOGY BY RICK LEVINE ( In english, no subtitles):



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